Chunky Dunk Polar Plunge

Chunky Dunk Polar Plunge

Chunky Dunk Polar Plunge

Come raise money for a great cause (Contact Front) and test your will power!

Event details:

No limit to how big your team is… or come solo and make new pals!

Everyone gets a shirt!

We will make a roster when you sign in so that you can party before and after your plunge! Team can wear costumes to win “best dressed” or stay in the longest to win the coveted Ice Cube Cup!

What to expect-

Music, bonfire and indoor fireplace with food and drinks! Places to hang out and change out of your wet clothes inside!

Local food trucks!

The pond will be open from 1-4pm but the after party will go until the last person leaves!

What else to expect on the ice: pickup broom ball and hillbilly curling!

Event cost: Minimum single person money raised is $75…but raise as much as you can!

All proceeds go to our non-profit Contact Front as we continue to help struggling combat vets find their purpose after their service!

Make sure to register!

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